Best Political Thriller Books by Helen Huang

Helen Huang's original Nuclear Power Nuclear Game is a political thriller in light of the author's childhood under the Communist government and working for the Chinese communist regime. It happens during China's change to nuclear power. Amidst the Cold War's political disturbance, Nuclear Power arose as a feasible choice. Nuclear Game traverses many years and nations all over the world to recount the account of two nuclear researchers' journey for world harmony and love, which is broken by restricting convictions.

Outline of the Nuclear Energy Ebook

Nuclear Power Nuclear Game is a political sentiment thriller, roused by the author's own experience living under the Communist system and working at a nuclear establishment in China.

It is 1950. Zoe and John, two young nuclear researchers from Berkeley, appear to have an ideal life, with promising career and marriage plans. However, their honesty is before long broken when the Chinese Communist Party holds onto power. Deciding to delay the wedding and return to her nation of origin, Zoe winds up secured in a political enclosure and isolated from John endlessly.

Trapped in a complicated trap of progressive spread and compelled to take part in a perilous examination, Zoe should face the approaching question of where her actual loyalties lie: with her nation or with John back in America?

During the Chinese communist regime's walk toward nuclear power amid the political unrest of the Cold War, Nuclear Power Nuclear Game traverses numerous years and nations across the globe to recount the narrative of two nuclear researchers' battle for world harmony and love destroyed by clashing belief systems.

Nuclear Power Nuclear Game is a Duology. Zoe and John, two nuclear researchers reflect an age brought into the world during the 1920s living through WWII and the Cold War. Sadly, Zoe is secured in a political enclosure and turns into a restrained sheep to the CCP. In the subsequent nuclear energy Ebook, Zoe's girl, Little Red (a nuclear security scientist), and George (an analytical writer) mirror another age brought into the world during the Cold War, encountering the time of Communism's penetration into the West. Nonetheless, Little Red renegades against the Communists' conditioning and battles for her opportunity.

The Ebook details of the popular book are as per the following:

ISBN: 9780228847199

ISBN-10: 0228847192

Format: ePUB

Language: English

Published: 9th October 2021

Publisher: Helen Huang


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